Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Activism and Agency - Reflection

It's been a week since the presentation now and I think it was definitely and improvement on my last one! In this blog post I'm going to talk about what I think went well, what challenges I faced and what I learned throughout this mission.

What went well:

1:Research- I actually much preferred researching for this mission than the last one, while I enjoyed finding out about the History of the Gif i found reading about the #MeToo movement much more interesting. I think the fact I was reading about peoples actual stories and how it affected them made me want to read more and more and it was actually heartbreaking looking at some of them. The research side of this mission could have been never ending as there's so many different stories and you could write a novel on it if you actually wanted to.

2:Communication- I think we worked really well as a group, like the previous assignment we made a WhatsApp group to communicate in. From the very start I think we were all very clear of what we were expected to do. Over the three weeks we met up twice and went through everything that each of us had written and gave feedback to eachother. The day before the presentation we met up to go through the slides to make sure we each knew what part we were going to present. I thought meeting up was definitely a good idea becuase in our first mission my group didn't and I think it would have helped us.

3:Presenting- I think that I was much more comfortable in presenting during this presentation than I was during the last one, I think having done it once before definitely gave me more confidence during this one.

Although the mission went well there was also a few challenges I faced:

1:NodeXL- One of our suggested tasks in this mission was to download the programme NodeXL along with Tags. Tags worked perfectly fine on my laptop and was pretty easy to use but NodeXL just would not download, everytime I tried my anti-virus and Google Chrome would not allow it as it was a "harmful file", I asked Karolina if she had been able to download it and she said it had said the same thing for her.

2:Tags - Although Tags had an easy set up and it was fine archiving the content I wasn't entirely sure on how to present it, in the end I just screenshot a few of the tweets from the spreadsheet and talked about them in more detail during the presentation.

What I Learned:

1:History- While doing this assignment I learned about the history of a lot of movements, I looked briefly into a few before I deciding I definitely wanted to go with the MeToo movement. Doing this made me gain more knowledge about different movements I've seen on social media the past few years.

2:Archiving- Before I started on this assignment I wouldn't have had a clue on how to archive content at all, using Tags has taught me how to do it. Although I wasn't 100% aware on how to then present my archived content using it still gave me a good idea on how to archive.

Well that's everything for this mission.
Next blog post will be about what I decided to do for my Methodology mission.

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